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Connecting a community of disc golfers looking for a better way to buy, collect and sell discs online

Who we are

DiscDibs was born out of a love for disc golf and a desire to grow the sport. We are a team of avid disc golfers who wanted to find the best way to buy and sell discs online. We've tried them all and feel like it is high time for something new.

On a mission

As we all know, over time our skill and the discs in our bag change, rotate out, get lost or need replacing. There are many ways to find new discs, and we’ve done it all.

We have long been active in buying and selling discs locally, but inventory in local markets is limited.

We’ve also bought and sold thousands of discs online on various websites and marketplaces.

We began to notice an obvious need for a more streamlined way for the disc golf community to come together at a larger scale.

This inspired us to create DiscDibs.

DiscDibs is a place for all disc golfers—regardless of skill level. Whether you are an experienced player looking to get back on the fairway as soon as possible, or are new to the sport and looking to give it a shot, DiscDibs has you covered.

Our promise

In our effort to contribute to the growth of disc golf, we will always promise to do these 3 things:

1. To fascilitate an online community and marketplace with always low fees on transactions

2. To always guarantee every transaction, so you can buy and sell discs with confidence

3. To provide top of the line search tools that help any player find the exact disc that they are looking for

Happy browsing

Thanks for visiting :)

We’re always trying to get better. If you have a pointer or two, please leave us feedback here.

- The DiscDibs Team

discs for players, from players

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