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We apologize for the inconvenience, we are hard at work focused on bringing you DiscDibs V2. Thank you for your continued support, sign up below for updates when we release the next version!
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Selling on DiscDibs

You have caught us at the very beginning of our journey. DiscDibs has recently launched and we are focused on consistently adding features to make your experience here better.

Right now, we are accumulating and adding discs weekly from personal collections, bulk buys and used bins. However, we will soon begin adding small groups of sellers over time. Our desire is for DiscDibs to grow into a disc marketplace that we all can participate in.

If you are interested in becoming a seller or helping us beta test this feature—please fill out the short form below.

We do not have an exact timeline for this launch, but we will be carefully monitoring the number of interested players. Hint: the more people that are interested the quicker we’ll be able to move.

Once you are approved you can post and sell as many discs as you like. We exist to help used discs find a new home and are working hard to get yours into the bags of other disc golfers.

We appreciate your patience! :)

Seller interest form

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